Wednesday 22 August 2012

Living with Diabetes? Enjoy Dark Chocolate

I know you're thinking that sugar-laden chocolate may be the last thing those who are trying to manage diabetes ought to be eating. But, while it's true that chocolate has fat and calories-and it tastes far too good to become good for you-the health advantages of chocolates cannot be denied, even going to people coping with diabetes.

Italian researchers learned that dark chocolate significantly improves markers of insulin sensitivity. Additionally, it may decrease fasting insulin and blood sugar levels, as well as insulin and glucose responses towards the glucose tolerance test.

High-quality chocolates is sold in health food, specialty, and supermarkets. Look for bars which contain 70 percent cocoa or even more. Don’t be put off by body fat content, and expect it to possess some sugar. Unsweetened chocolates is extremely bitter and, even sweetened, it's for some an acquired taste, so look around for a get you noticed like.

I urge my patients to savor it moderately so that it doesn’t hinder their ability to keep blood sugar levels. So, if you're dealing with diabetes, realize that a square or a couple of dark chocolate every second day or so is sufficient to satisfy your sweet tooth. Be sure that you keep calorie intake steady, and eat your chocolates in place of, instead of in addition to, other foods or snacks.

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