Wednesday 12 September 2012

Natural Organic Food Benefits

Ever wonder, why organic? Is eating organic food really a lot better?

Do you know the harmful health results of pesticides and just how do they rival natural organic food benefits?

While no doubt you've heard that eating organic food offers important health advantages, when you start
comparing prices you might begin to wonder once again, "Why organic? Is organic food Much better?"

They are important questions and here are a few real answers.

Next time you go shopping, you can make a well-informed decision that best benefits both your
pocketbook as well as your health.

Why organic? Conventional vs Organic Agriculture

When it comes to the benefits of eating organic food, keep in mind these major differences between
conventional and organic farming.

Conventional Agriculture

  • Uses artificial chemical fertilizers to give plants and increase crop yield.
  • Uses insecticide sprays to kill pests and help decrease plant diseases.
  • Uses herbicides to kill weeds.
  • Uses antibiotics and medicines to get rid of disease and hgh to increase animal size.

Organic Agriculture
  • Uses natural fertilizers, like compost and manure, to naturally enhance the soil and feed healthy plants.
  • Uses beneficial insects, birds and traps to lessen pests and disease.
  • Uses crop rotation, hand weeding and mulching to handle weeds.
  • Uses clean housing for animals, a healthy diet plan with organic feed and free-range grazing to naturally decrease and stop disease.

Along with other problems, only 16 from the 26 nutrients considered to be essential for people are necessary for plant growth. So artificial fertilizers don't include these 10 other important minerals and vitamins.

That means the food ends up depleted in those 10 nutrients.

For instance, since plants need phosphorus to develop, we have high amounts of phosphorus in our food. But plants have no need for chromium or selenium, so artificial chemical fertilizers omit these two important minerals.

For this reason conventional meals are often deficient in chromium and selenium, which will help protect us from premature aging, cancer and diabetes.

Natural Organic Food Benefits

The nation's Cancer Institute discovered that 30% of today's insecticides, 60% of herbicides and 90% of fungicides are recognized to cause cancer. Additionally they cause damage to your nervous, reproductive and endocrine system.

Listed here are the five main advantages of eating organic food:

Eating organic can help you detox. Becasue it is not raised or grown using pesticides, herbicides, hormones, medications or artificial fertilizers, eating organic food helps protect the body from toxic chemicals.

Eating organic improves health. With far fewer toxins, less bad fat, more good essential fatty acids and better nutrition, eating organic plant and animal foods reduce your chance of heart disease, stroke and cancer.

Natural organic food is more enjoyable. Since chemicals are tasteless, whether organic food is more enjoyable is debatable. But surveys show people discover both plant and animal organic food has more flavor.

Organic meals are more nutritious. Research has shown organic produce contains around 50% more antioxidant phytonutrients and organic poultry and meat has less saturated fats and more efa's.

Organic considers animal well-being. Free-ranging animals which are fed a proper organic food diet lead a significantly more natural, contented life.

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